You have to believe in yourself. Otherwise you follow the suggestions of others rather than your own dictates. Why buy a brand new car when a 10 year old one will do the same job just as efficiently. Then why not a 20 year old one as those are real cheap to buy. And expensive to maintain.
It is a balancing act of what to get for what you have available without wasting your resources.
I recall that Abraham Lincoln said something about sharpening his axe for 4 hours to cut down the tree in 2 hours rather than spend longer chopping because the axe is blunt. Proper preparation is more efficient than just going at the task.
Similarly in utilizing your money. Spend 4 hours working out what you want to achieve in life and then work out how to use the funds you have toward that goal and then you spend it!
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It is a balancing act of what to get for what you have available without wasting your resources.
I recall that Abraham Lincoln said something about sharpening his axe for 4 hours to cut down the tree in 2 hours rather than spend longer chopping because the axe is blunt. Proper preparation is more efficient than just going at the task.
Similarly in utilizing your money. Spend 4 hours working out what you want to achieve in life and then work out how to use the funds you have toward that goal and then you spend it!
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