Monday, August 11, 2008

How can I get to say no when it is my own money? Obviously, if someone has gotten you to a point where you are wavering in your resolve, you must be in agreement with them or their aim. This is the crux that has to be weathered. For example if you are eing asked to help someone less fortunate than you are, then you are helping another. I have been able to weather some of these requests, but not all. By offering a small sum and pleading poor finances you can sometimes end up with a small donation which does not really do anything.

But I have learned one thing. Do not give anyone money if they have gotten into trouble financially by illness or losing their job. They have to get out of it themselves which is tough to do but in the end is beneficial for all. But if they have gotten to a certain point and need an investment so as to keep the game rolling, this is a better proposition. You are reinforcing success rather than reinforcing failure. This promotes growth which is the purpose of money.. to apply energy to something so as to make it grow.
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