Monday, September 04, 2006

Dear folks,

I've found a way to make a lot of money with my computer from home!

On my recent holiday I was looking at how I was going to make a living. I knew I needed to get a new job when I got back, but starting with a fresh slate, what should I do next?

Funny thing happened. I picked up a book in the local library which is in the "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" series of books. This was about the Investor quadrant of employee, self employed, business owner, investor and how these four types of money earner inter-related and the strategy they should each apply to achieve their goal. It got me to thinking what I wanted to achieve and where I wanted to be in 10 years time.

MY father told me to work hard, and save up for what I wanted. He is well off, but not yet RICH. RICH DAD advised a bit differently. To spend less than you make AND invest in ASSETs. Now an ASSET is defined as an item that earns you money just by having it. For example a car is an ASSET only if you hire it out and get money back on it more than it costs to register,insure,repair,gas-up. That is a totaly new view!

Now, I failed to take the advice of MY dad and am now in debt! So I have focused on what to do to earn money. I'm looking for a job. I have no idea how hard it is going to be as so far I have typed up my resume and one cover letter, I have an interview on Tuesday for a sales job at an electronics retailer. But what will it take to earn a LOT of money? A retailer shop assistant's pay will cover enough for a room in a house and some food and travel costs and that will be it!

So I looked for something extra.

I have found a great Home Business which is most successful for others I have seen working with it. It involves personal contact usually and there is a presentation you can do right off the internet. I use the products every day and am extremely happy with them. The way forward is to get in touch with a few people along with my trusty lap-top. But I want to do more in between the down times when I am not presenting. So what else is there?

I found it! It's how to make money using my faithful laptop. I can sit in a coffee shop and sup my tea, and type away. Now how about that! I'll let you know how well I do at it, but I have seen success stories where the person made $300 overnight! It does involve a bit of typing, and following instructions, but from where I sit, it is quite the way to go.
So here goes! I'm on my way to my fortune!

If you want, check it out for yourself at:


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